The Longest Acquaintance is the exciting new sequel to A Fraternal Attraction – the story of a forbidden romance between two brothers – and picks up the story at the point where the previous book concludes. As an evocative portrait of small-town America in the 1960s, the narrative focuses on the pivotal relationships within the immediate family and those of the wider community. In this sequel the two brothers embark on an adventurous camping trip through the wilderness and remote canyons of the Appalachians.
The Longest Acquaintance – paperback
The Longest Acquaintance is the exciting new sequel to A Fraternal Attraction – the story of a forbidden romance between two brothers – and picks up the story at the point where the previous book concludes. As an evocative portrait of small-town America in the 1960s, the narrative focuses on the pivotal relationships within the immediate family and those of the wider community. In this sequel the two brothers embark on an adventurous camping trip through the wilderness and remote canyons of the Appalachians.